Can You Feel it?

  “It should be written on every door A thing of beauty is not a thing to ignore” Lyrics from the song, “Thing of Beauty” by Hothouse Flowers hit me hard the other day. ““Look out your window on a winter’s morning Your breath is steam and there’s...

A Heartfelt Thank You

  “I am standing here today because of SongwritingWith:Soldiers.”   Sgt. Nikki Shaw shared these moving words as she introduced Half-Horse Town at our September fundraiser, a song she co-wrote at a retreat with Darden Smith and Radney Foster. We...

How to Carry a Tune

I love looking at these shots from our last retreat at the Carey Center in Rensselaerville, NY. They remind me of so many moments of beauty throughout the weekend… Starting with how, as the soldiers, songwriters, staff, and volunteers arrived, one by one, they paused...

Myths, choices, PTSI, and victims

I’m a person. I’m an American, and damn proud of it. I’m a Texan, and glad I live here. I’m a Veteran, and thankful for all the amazing experiences I’ve had because of my service. I’ve been diagnosed with PTSI. No single one of...