Doubled the number of veterans, active-duty service members, and military families served.
- 6 retreats, including our first for Student Veterans
- 2 songwriting workshops, at WAMFest Words & Music Festival and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
- 2 SW:S concerts open to the public
- A performance at San Antonio Spurs Military Night
Continued to enrich our program.
- Debuted our Creativity Calling teleclass with former retreat participants
- Increased the number of SW:S alums serving as staff and peer support
- SW:S honored as a featured program at the International Trauma Conference (Boston)
- Completed our SongwritingWith:Soldiers Manual, critical to expanding the program
- Added new Board Members!
How did we achieve so much? It’s simple. COLLABORATION.
None of this is possible without your belief in SongwritingWith:Soldiers. We are so grateful for your support.

Our last retreat of the year! Military Families wrote powerful songs at Boulder Crest Retreat, our dedicated partner. With thanks to the USO for funding three amazing retreats at Boulder Crest in 2015.
Photo Credit: MC2 Leonard Adams (Navy)
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